Faculty of Recording Media Art ISI Yogyakarta will host Recording Media Art Exhibition : Road to Media Creative 8 (Full Duty Release of Risman Marah) on October 23 to 27 2016 at Jogja Gallery, Jalan Pekapalan 7 Alun-Alun Utara, Yogyakarta. The exhibition will be opened by KGPAA Pakualam X on Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 19:30 pm.
- ISI has active role in preserving, developing and managing the multi cultural art potency not only in Jogjakarta but also in all over Indonesia.
- It is proven that ISI plays an active role in introducing the nation’s identity through Indonesian art and culture in global world.
- It is capable to create, express and responsible for ideas, art and culture expressions, scientifically and professionally
- It has professional faculty members who are capable to compete in international world. Located in the heart of art and culture city, Yogyakarta, which is famous for its local cultural strength.
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