Yogyakarta, the capital of the Yogyakarta Special Province is a city of liveliness and affability. It is the focal point of regional development within Central Java and home to diverse art and culture. With close proximity to the nation’s international gateways of Jakarta and Bali, Yogyakarta with its half-million population is a relaxed, friendly and extrovert municipality that is big enough for every facility and small enough to be easy for newcomers. With its warm tropical climate and rich cultural heritage of the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, the city presents unwind nature surroundings, vibrant cultural life, and stimulating touristy atmosphere. It is safe, and inexpensive; and most significantly it offers a wide range of modern educational opportunities including first-rate art and craft centers. All together, they made Yogyakarta an exciting place to live.
Indonesia Institute of Arts, known as Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta officially was commenced as a State Institute on 23rd of July 1984, under the Presidential Decree No.39/1984. ISI Yogyakarta upholds a well-deserved reputation for teaching excellence that dates back to the formative years of art education in Yogyakarta stemming from the establishment of ASRI Visual Art Academy in 1950, AMI Music Academy in 1952, and ASTI Dance Academy in 1961. Following the amalgamation of the three in 1984, ISI Yogyakarta has become the largest arts institution in Indonesia that operates under its own Statute and Bylaws with main source of funding from Government grants in addition to student tuition fees.
The Minister of Education and Culture appoints a governing board that includes rector, vice-rectors, and deans, who administer the daily affairs of the institution
Fundamentally, the Senate which is composed of professors, faculty members, and top administrative officers defines the institution policy as a whole to which includes determining the conditions for admission, granting of degree, authorizing and supervising courses and curricula, and advising the Institute administrators on budgets, faculty appointments and promotions.
Since its early days, ISI Yogyakarta upholds a tradition of excellence and great achievement in terms of its outcome and output. Accolades include the well-established ISI Yogyakarta Symphony Orchestra that regularly performs on a national platform, the many performing art groups which have performed worldwide, and the extensive list of Indonesian master artists who are students of ISI Yogyakarta. Additionally, ISI Yogyakarta Gallery with its vast collection of visual art and photographic masterpieces has not only become a model for art archive but also the stimulus for scholarly art critiques.