Department of Fine Arts

Study Program of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Arts becomes the forerunner in guiding and developing the field of fine arts with the national and international views.

Study Program of Fine Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts, Indonesia Institute of the Arts in Yogyakarta develops and carries out the education of fine arts with the national and international views through the ideal process of study both in the fields of creation and research.

Study Program of Fine Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts produces the graduates of Fine Arts in the field of creation and research with the following qualifications:
• Philosophically, the graduates have the cultural view, are able to learn, practice, and implement their abilities in the field of arts in general, and especially fine arts.
• The graduates acquire the basis and apply the science and technology that undergo the development of their specialization and are able to formulate all problems of fine arts conceptually, systematically and methodically.
• The graduates have the creative and professional abilities in their creation and research of fine art works; and are able to implement, manage, and create the chances for their professions/works, individually and cooperatively with other parties in the national and international societies, in anticipating the global effects.
• The graduates have other professions as art practitioners in the fields of arts which are still in one channel of their major studies suitable to their study orientation fitted to their abilities.

• Artists
• Curators
• Critics
• Researchers
• Teachers
• Art practitioners
• Art managers
• Event organizers
• Manufacturers



Introduction to Culture
Philosophy | Aesthetics I & II | History of East Arts |
History of Indonesian Arts | History of West Arts I & II |
Artistic Criticism I & II | Artistic Reviews | Elementary Design I & II | Shape Drawing I, II & III | Literary Study | Artistic Research Methodology | Selected Study | Sketches I & II | Artistic Sociology | Artistic Anthropology | Plastic Anatomy I & II | Illustrative Arts I & II

Artistic Reviews | Wall Painting Arts I & II | Sculpture Reviews | Monumental Arts I & II | Photography I & II | Basic Painting I, II & III | Basic Sculpture I, II & III | Basic Graphic Arts I, II & III | Professional Orientation Study (SOP) | Artistic Research I & II | Artistic Management | Artistic Psychology

Basic Painting I, II & III | Advanced Panting I, II & III |
Final Painting | Artistic Material Knowledge I & II | Artistic Reviews | Wall Painting Arts I & II | Basic Sculpture I, II & III | Advanced Sculpture I, II & III | Final Sculpture | Sculpture Material Knowledge I & II | Sculpture Reviews | Monumental Arts I & II | Basic Graphic Arts I, II & III | Advanced Graphic Arts I, II & III | Final Graphic Arts | Graphic Art Material Knowledge I & II | Graphic Art Reviews | Photography I & II | Professional Orientation Study (SOP) | Artistic Management | Artistic Psychology

Drs. Titoes Libert, M.Sn.
Dr. M. Agus Burhan, M.Hum.
Drs. Agus Kamal, M.Sn.
Drs. Effendi, M.Sn.
Drs. Ign. Hening Swasono,M.Sn
Wiyono, M.Sn.
Amir Hamzah, M.Sn.
Mikke Susanto, M.Sn.
Setyo Priyo Nugroho, S.Sn., M.Sn.
I Gede Arya Sucitra, S.Sn., M.A.
Deni Junaedi, S.Sn. , M.Sn.
Sumaryanto Nurdjoko, S.Sn. , M.Sn.

Dr. Edi Sunaryo. M.S.
Drs. Andang Suprihadi P., M.S.
Prof. M. Dwi Marianto,MFA, Ph.D.
Drs. Ag. Hartono., M.Sn.
Drs. Pracoyo, M.Hum.
Dr. Suwarno, M.Hum.
Drs. Syafruddin, M.Hum.
Bambang Witjaksono, M.Sn.
Wiwik Sri Wulandari, M.Sn.
Agus Yulianto, S.Sn. , M.Sn.
Nadiyah Tunnikmah, S.Sn. , M.Sn.
AC. Andre Tanama, S.Sn., M.Sn.

Drs. AB. Dwiantoro, M.S.
Drs. Soehadi, M.Sn.
Drs. Anusapati, M.F.A.
Drs. Dendi Suwandi, M.S.
Drs. Eko Sunarto, M.Sn.
Ichwan Noor, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Yoga Budhi Wantoro, S.Sn., M.Sn.
M. Rain Rosidi, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Warsono, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Lutse Lambert Daniel Morin, S.Sn., M.Sn.