Department of Educational Music

Graduate profile of Educational Music Study Program is as teachers of vocal/instrument. The study program undergraduates of Educational Music can work in areas of intellectual work which prioritizes the practices of musical knowledge and skills, especially in the professions of
• Teachers of vocal/instrument
• Developers/ designers of learning music curriculum, material, and method
• Reviewers of educational music
• Tutor/ instrument skill trainer /music ensemble and vocal
• Arrangers of educational music

Educational music undergraduate study program becomes the center of excellence and reference of educational music in the field of the knowledge and skills of music instruments/vocals in Indonesia by 2025.

• To carry out education and training in the field of educational music.
• To equip students with concepts of knowledge and skills in educational music.
• To apply concepts of educational music in research activities which include the analysis of various phenomena of educational music, especially in the area of formal education (public/vocational schools).
• To apply the competence of knowledge and skills of musical instruments/vocals in various forms of activities in the society.

• To develop scientific knowledge and skills in the field of educational music.
• To graduate students who become independent entrepreneurs in the scope of teaching and learning.
• To solve various problems related to the development of education music materials (Educational Music or School Music) and/or problems in related music education, through research processes which are based on the analytic system, or applicable rules, in the field of educational music.
• To provide the best service in the field of educational music to the society and being capable of transferring knowledge which has been gained.


Educational Music Undergraduate Study Program at present is administratively still in under the Faculty of Performing Arts, Indonesian Arts Institute of Yogyakarta. Therefore the Educational Music Study Program’s needs and infrastructure refers to the standard operational procedure (SOP) of the faculty. By referring to SOP of Faculty of Performing Arts which has similar courses, such as Music Study Program, Music Creation Study Program, the learning process will not run smoothly. Therefore Educational Music Study Program will continue to design as well as propose the realization of facilities and self-contained infrastructures, such as educational music studio, educational laboratories, and lecture halls.
The facilities to support the activities of the academic Degree Courses in Educational Music Study Program which are available up to now include the management of the library of the Department having 224 titles collection, covering 108 texts, six local journals, 2 proceedings, and 107 theses. The frequent accessed websites are;;; URwww.scribd; www.4shared; and The facilities of Music Department also include complete studio equipment, namely 24 types of instruments that complement the main studio. Each studio of Basic Piano Instrument is completed with an upright piano. A grand piano is available in both vocal studios. Combo-band equipment and an upright piano are available in both Pop-Jazz studios, and an upright piano is available in Ensemble studio.

Educational Music S-1 Study Program has 7 classrooms, 48 individual practice studios (practice room), an auditorium as the main studio used to practice classical music, and one supply room for the department. In addition, the department also has four rooms used for the management of the academic activities of the study program, i.e., one room for each department head/study program head, department secretary, a small meeting room which also functions as an examination room and work unit room, and an administrative room for academic, and student affairs.
In addition to the head and secretary of the department, all teachers have their own work desk distributed in three rooms. The department has 2 teacher rooms for 4 teachers or more, sized 91.16 m2; one teacher room of 28.09m2 for 4 teachers, and a teacher room for one person (not structural officials) sized 14.30 m2. The thesis defense room is the examination room which extends to 48.35 m2.

The studio facilities will be developed in accordance with the development of science and technology, both for learning as well as services related to music. The study program has hosted five types of studios, 1 main studio, 4studios of basic instruments, 2 vocal studios, 2 pop-jazz studios, and 2 ensemble studios. All studios come with ready-to-use instruments. The main studio is complemented by 24 kinds of electronic musical instrument units, and various stage equipment. The studios are often used for various activities, including classical studio classes such as Music Performance class, Music Chamber class, and Orchestra.
Prominent staff is only available in the studio. Other studios don’t have special staff, but temporarily they are handled by AKMAWA staff. Each studio at the very least has been equipped by a piano. The weakness found in the studios is that they not yet have adequate acoustics system while that is the principal requirement of an acoustic music studio. In addition these studios are also designed for non-AIR-CONDITIONED rooms so when they will be equipped with AIR CONDITIONING, there are several problems in its placement so that air circulated well. Inventory of facilities and infrastructure are managed by the Faculty of Performing Arts, Indonesian Institute of Arts, Yogyakarta Indonesia.

The learning system is one mutually related and interacted component to achieve the expected results optimally and in accordance with the objectives. In preparing the learning system Educational Music Study Program profoundly plans all aspects of learning and academic quality improvement at their best. Based on the experience, analysis as well as self-evaluation, Educational Music Study Program devises its learning system in accordance with the conditions and needs of the community.

Methods and forms of the adopted learning of any courses in the draft curriculum are tailored to the Learning Outcome (CP) which is planned with the consideration of the number of students per class, the availability of teachers in accordance with the teacher standard, sufficient learning resource, and means of learning, and the appropriate learning environment, which allow the interaction between students and teachers, according to the standard of facilities and infrastructures.

The uniqueness of the teaching and learning activities is general related to the courses of vocal courses, music instruments, classical courses with semi-practices such as: Solfeggio course; The Science Of Harmony; Kontrapung; Vocal Prima Vista; Harmony Manual; Children Musical Arrangement; Adolescence Musical Arrangements; and Orchestration. Adjusting to the availability of the learning resources, means of learning and ideal learning environment, methods and forms of learning implementation are carried out in three classes, namely: small classes, amounted to 5 students with similar instruments including Basic Instruments I and II (Piano compulsory) Basic Instruments III, Intermediate Instruments I, II, and III, Advanced Instruments I and II. Middle course classes with a maximum of 20 students are hosted for Solfeggio, Harmony Science, Kontrapung, Vocal Prima Vista, Manual Harmony, musical arrangements, Children and Adolescence Musical Arrangement, and Orchestration. Large classes at least 40 students or more are intended for purely theoretical subjects such as Civil Studies, Philosophy of Music, and Bahasa Indonesia, etc.

A variety of methods have been developed to support the academic atmosphere since the study program was Akademi Musik Indonesia, especially for Basic Instruments I and II (piano compulsory); Basic Instruments III, up to Advance Instruments I and II (six semesters). Initially, those courses were entitled Major Instruments courses. The academic atmosphere built specifically for these courses was that each meeting is held on an individual basis, it means that one teacher taught one student with mayor musical instruments. In its development in 2009, on the consideration of the increased interests of the society to study in educational music undergraduate program, the more ideal method of teaching has been designed using face-to-face method with the ratio of teacher and students 1:5, which means that a maximum of 5 students with similar instruments are taught by one teacher using demonstration and drill.
Solfeggio course is a semi-practice course related to building the auditory sensitivity of students against the musical tones which are associated with melody, rhythm, harmony and musical tempo able to be cited back or written in the notation. The implementation of the course generally applies demonstration and drill.

The learning process in Educational Music S1 Study Program is designed in several stages, namely:
• Students are obliged to take courses on Attitudes and Language Knowledge course group.
• Students are obliged to take courses in Complementary Theoretical Knowledge groups.
• Students are obliged to take courses on Complementary Basic Theories course group.
• Students are obliged to take Instrument/Individual Vocal Practices course chosen on the basis of students’ competence.
• Students are obliged to take courses on Instrument Practices /Vokal Utama Bersama group.
• Students are obliged to take the core knowledge course group
• Students are obliged to take the supporting IPTKS course group.
• Students are obliged to take leadership course group.
• Students must pass the first evaluation (4 first semesters) with minimal 50 credits without score D.
• Students passing the second evaluation must take 138 credits. Students may submit their research proposals of final assignment with topics related to educational music

The learning process associated with the community service is manifested in practice Profession Practice course and method –based courses, which are supported by some courses in Scientific Cores group, Instrument Practice /Main Vocals groups, Insturment Practice /Main Vocal Individual groups in the forms of internships or practice teaching at formal schools and informal schools. Class method- based courses are also supported with the internship activities which are often referred to as Field Work Practice (PKL). The process of learning activities related to the public service has been held since Indonesina Music Academy at the School Music Study Program until now.

The learning system/patterns are applied so that graduates are able to make scientific papers and real decent publications or works in accordance with their level of education, create the application of the freedom of the academic rostrum. Elements of the freedom of the academic rostrum include the freedom to investigate any matter covering the intellectual concern of teachers and students to present their findings to students or collages and publish data and conclusions. Freedom is also given to teachers to deliver knowledge which becomes their authority in manners they have considered professionally. For students, the basic elements of the academic freedom may include freedom in learning subjects that attract his attention and to form conclusions and express his opinions.

To achieve good learning patterns, there is a monitoring during the implementation of the courses which aim to monitor the frequency of the teacher and students’ presence in each course, and also delivering the course material. Monitoring the learning process in course is done through three steps: (1) assigning academic and student affairs (Akmawa) to serve the monitoring by preparing the document of attendance list as the instrument monitoring, (2) conducting evaluation by recapitulating the teacher presence of professors at the end of each week, (3) Akmawa reports the results of a recap to the head of the study program. Monitoring the learning material is done through the evaluation of SAP and RPKAPS by teachers or relevant teacher groups. The change is reported to the head of the study program.

Students in completing their studies will be assisted by an academic supervisor. The academic advisor serves as student consultant in completing coursework from the very beginning till the end of the courses.